The Spring Featured Format is here and it’s super powerful. I mean that because it’s full of super powers. We are cracking the possibilities wide open and giving everyone some extra resources to try out new super powers. Whether you want to use your favorite character or there is a card you’ve been wanting to play, this is your chance at something new!
Let’s jump into the details.
Season: Spring 2024
Dates: April 1st, 2024 through June 3sth, 2024
Deckbuilding Rules:
- Your Main Character(s) must have at least one super power at each of its Levels.
- Each supporting character and equipment in your deck and piles must have at least one super power.
- There are no restrictions on Plot Twists or Locations.
Special Gameplay Rule:
Each player brings six basic location cards – one for each power symbol – and sets them aside face up in a Power Symbol Pile. They are NOT part of your deck and do not affect your deckbuilding rules in any way. (For example, you can still have 4 copies of a basic [INTELLECT] Location in your deck.)
During the game, as a character on your side uses a super power or needs to pay one or more power symbols for a plot twist or special location, you may turn exactly one card in your Power Symbol pile face down to generate a power symbol.
In other words, each player has 6 extra power symbols to spend during the game.
Example 1: A character on your side has a super power that costs one [MIGHT]. To pay for its super power you may turn the [MIGHT] card in your Power Symbol Pile face down, or you could pay the normal way by using a real location in your resource row or discarding one from your hand.
Example 2: A character on your side has a super power that costs [ENERGY][INTELLECT][MIGHT][SKILL]. To pay for its super power you may use any one location card in your Power Symbol Pile face down and then would pay the other three symbols normally. (You can’t use multiple cards in your Power Symbol Pile to pay for one super power.)
Example 3: A character on your side needs to pay a [SKILL] as part of a special location’s effect. You may turn the [SKILL] card in your Power Symbol Pile face down to generate that [SKILL].
Note: Cards in your Power Symbol Pile do NOT count as “locations.” They are just reference cards keeping track of which free power symbols you can still spend.
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