Welcome to our previews for the First Family Arc for Vs. System 2PCG. Today is the first preview article for the 55-Card The Heralds Issue! Let’s start with the most famous Herald himself!
Wait, this guy’s not silver! That’s right; this rad guy is pre-Silver Surfer. This is the guy who became a Herald of Galactus in order to save his world.
Note that you will need to get Earth basic locations for your Silver Surfer deck from another product. Once you play one, this represents the Surfer finding Earth for Galactus to devour.
But then Silver Surfer meets some earthlings and has a change of heart against Galactus!
Silver Surfer can use any special location (in addition to the Earth basic locations) with , including but not limited to Mu, from the 2017 Vs. System 2PCG: Monsters Unleashed box.
Keep in mind that when he Protects the Earth, there must be only one supporting character with the highest cost (no ties) and it can get a supporting character on your side.
But for whom specifically, did Norrin make this sacrifice?
Remember that Safeguard means that characters in Surfer’s row without Safeguard can’t be attacked.
Sticking with our Surfer theme, here’s someone who is almost exactly like him.
Tubular! Ardina is our first card to mention ‘card title’. How is this different than ‘name’? Name means not only the name printed on the name line, but also any AKAs the character has in their text box. ‘Card title’ is defined as only the name on the name line. Why does this matter? We really wanted Norrin Radd to be named as such on Surfer’s Level 1, but we didn’t want (for both thematic and developmental reasons) players to be able to play Ardina when Norrin was their main character.
Note that both Shalla-Bal and Ardina work with the supporting character Silver Surfer as well, if such a thing exists.
I wonder what powers Galactus has! We may never know…
Hope you liked these wicked cards today, bruh!
Shred you later!
Vs. System 2PCG: The Herald arrives on June 17th!