We’re back with more from Legendary®: Black Widow, showcasing cards that make the most of these top secretly trained Heroes. Previously we saw both Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova and two returning keywords. Now we’re diving deeper into one of those mechanics – Undercover. Specifically, some new ways to take advantage of that shuffle skipping subterfuge.
Unleash from Undercover
With perfect timing and apparent expertise, Black Widows can shed their disguised identities to fully reveal themselves and strike without warning. Embodying this is the new Unleash keyword. When an effect says to “Unleash a Hero from Undercover”: Return that Hero from your Victory Pile to your hand. Doing so allows you to then play it that turn, and when you do it goes to your discard pile as normal rather than back to your Victory Pile.
Some cards outline which card will be Unleashed. Others have specific triggers, such as “When you fight a Villain, you may Unleash this card from Undercover.” In such a situation, fighting a single Villain is enough to trigger any number of those cards, letting them all return to your hand at once!
It’s not just the Black Widows that are capable of hiding in plain sight, though. Another deep cover agent is fitting in and making their Legendary debut this expansion.
When Recruited: Send this Undercover
Alexei Shostakov, the Red Guardian, has worked as a sleeper agent for extended periods of time, only revealing himself when the time is right. “When Recruited” simply means “Do this ability when you recruit this Hero.” This isn’t the first time a “When Recruited” ability has been used in Legendary (it appeared with other keywords most recently in Legendary®: Messiah Complex) but pairing it to Undercover via Red Guardian was a perfect fit!
There’s one more, familiar keyword to share this time, though it may be one Heroes wished they could forget…
Dark Memories
Back from our Legendary®: Revelations Deluxe Expansion, Dark Memories represents the often horrible things done in these characters’ pasts. Assassinations, thievery, and more fill their ledgers and fuel their hopes to redeem themselves in the present; but those capabilities are still there.
Heroes with Dark Memories “get +1 for each Hero Class among cards in your discard pile.” With the five Hero Classes in Legendary, that means Dark Memories can potentially reach +5
depending on your deck’s composition. By using effects that let you discard cards, such as Dodge, you can fuel Dark Memories directly!
Be aware that Villains can also have Dark Memories, which means they also get +1 (attack) for each Hero Class in your discard pile. With cards you recruit typically going to your discard pile and the potential reshuffling of your discard pile back into your deck when it runs out cards, timing is everything with making the most of Dark Memories for yourself.
If memories aren’t enough for you, next time we’ll be introducing some of the villainous characters you’ll be up against in Legendary: Black Widow! Keep your head down and your wits about you – you never know when these trained killers might unexpectedly appear…