We’re back at it again with more cards from Legendary®: Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy! This upcoming set spanning two of the MCU’s finest already introduced us to Triggered Artifacts and the return of Divided Cards. Now it’s time to signal another comeback via a keyword that hasn’t been seen since Legendary®: Venom. It’s time for some…
Excessive Violence
Drax and Rocket often take things a little too far when it comes to combat, making Excessive Violence perfect for their cards. Once per turn, you can spend 1 more than you need to fight a Villain or Mastermind “using Excessive Violence.” If you do, you get to use all the “Excessive Violence” abilities on cards you played this turn.
It only takes hitting a single Villain or Mastermind with Excessive Violence to gain the effects of all cards played with that keyword, letting you bring the pain when it counts and revel in your destruction. Remember, you can only fight “using Excessive Violence” once per turn, so each of these abilities can only be activated once per card as well. Be sure to play as many of these as you can before “using Excessive Violence”!
The Guardians of the Galaxy are known for doing “something good” to go with their “something bad”, so it was about time Excessive Violence got balanced out by something a little sweeter.
Excessive Kindness
Baby Groot is here to introduce a new keyword called Excessive Kindness! Just like how Excessive Violence rewards you for using an extra , Excessive Kindness effects will be activated by spending 1
more than you need when recruiting a Hero. Otherwise, they behave identically, so playing as many of these cards before recruiting is definitely a smart (and extra empathetic) move.
Next on our playlist we’ll be setting aside the niceties and canceling any dance offs, and showing off a more villainous side of this expansion. Look forward to more Legendary®: Marvel Studios’ Guardians of the Galaxy, coming soon!