Today’s article is brought to you by co-founders of Super Awesome Games and co-designers of Vs. System® 2PCG®, Ben Cichoski and Danny Mandel.
Hello everyone, welcome to our third set of previews for the upcoming Vs. System® 2PCG®: The X-Files Battles, a Giant-Sized Issue of 200 total cards!
Today we’re going to look at more cards for one of the three teams in the Issue – The Bureau .
First up, it’s everyone’s favorite conspiracy theorists:
Note that when one of The Lone Gunmen powers up another one, it will trigger each of their other keyword powers. For example, if you discard Byers to power up Frohike (or if you discard Frohike to power up Byers), it will trigger Byers’ Science power and Frohike’s Photography power. You can resolve those powers in either order.
Note that powering up one of these characters the normal way won’t cause their powers to trigger.
These nuts (or are they?) aren’t just nuts out loud, but in print!
Note that this Plot Twist will cancel one super power or one Plot Twist, not one of each.
Up next we have two late-series X-Files agents, sort of the anti-Mulder and anti-Scully. One believes nothing he sees and one believes everything she imagines! Sound familiar?
The only thing they have in common is their fierce gun stance!
Note that for Practical and Pragmatic, if you have more than one Main Character, or your Main Character has more than one team affiliation, it’s possible for Reyes to get multiple bonuses.
What would agents be without a mysterious, part-obstacle, part-mentor?
Well, Main Character agents would be about 1 less, I guess.
Everyone needs an ally sometimes. Even skilled FBI agents. Presenting four One of a Kind Plot Twists from which to choose:
An expert in alien abduction…
Two informants operating deep within mysterious organizations…
And cutest, a telekinetic child of Mulder and Scully!
In our first article, we showed you Mulder’s Level 2 Main Character with his Searching for Samantha power.
We noted then that it used the symbol but that there aren’t
basic Locations in the Issue. Well, that conundrum is now solved.
Most ‘wild’ team special Locations only offer four power symbols for their team. But the X-Files tests Mulder and Scully to the limit, and it often brings out the best of their humanity. That’s why it’s the only way to generate a Humanity for characters in the Bureau (a fifth power symbol).
Before we go, speaking of Mulder, let’s check in on him one more time:
Please note that when you name a card with The Truth is Out There, it includes each card with that name even if the cards are not copies of each other. It also includes characters who have that name granted with AKA.
See you next time as we explore the Syndicate’s dark depths of despair, doom, and death. Happy gaming!
Find the truth and crack the case when Vs. System® 2PCG®: The X-Files Battles arrives in stores this November.
1 Comment
Amazing. As a big fan of the series I’m glad they finally expanded the X-Files universe into something enjoyable and for us to re-live the momments and characters of this, which in my opinion is the greatest series ever made.