Today’s preview is brought to you by the co-founders of Super Awesome Games and co-designers of Vs. System® 2PCG®; Danny Mandel and Ben Cichoski.
Hello, my friends! Welcome to another preview for the Black Order Issue in the Infinity War Arc for VS. System® 2PCG®! Hold on tight, these next two previews have a lot to say! Today we look deeper into the logistics and motivation behind Thanos’s Quest for the Infinity Gems.
First let’s look at his main minions.

More like an Outstandingrider!
Moving up the organization’s hierarchy, please meet the titular denizens themselves:

Variations on a theme! What could they all be looking for?
But enough of these low-level folks. Let’s see the Mad Titan himself!

Now that’s a touching image. Thanos’s true motivation is, of course, the cosmic entity of Death. What could possibly go wrong?

A lot, actually. Where to start?
Death is Amortal which means:
• She has no level. (She is beyond such mortal trappings.)
• She starts with her card that has infinite health. The human side. The “nice” side. (Her other card has 8 health. Also known as “sideways infinity”. She really has infinite health on this side. We suggest trying to defeat her on the other side.)
• She can’t be face down. If she would be turned face down, switch her with her other card instead and leave it face up. She still suffers other effects from the stun such as losing +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters, gaining a wound, and becoming exhausted.
• If she would be hidden, instead switch her with her other card which will
remain face up and place her in the ready position.
• Amortal can’t be turned off.
Since Death doesn’t turn face down, she can be stunned multiple times in a single turn. However, if she takes fatal wounds she’s not really defeated. She’s just temporarily lost interest in this mortal battle. (The player who was using her is defeated, though.)
Note: While Death is technically two cards, you could slip her into a single clear card sleeve with her cards back to back. Then when she would turn face down, you can just flip her to her other “side.”
Also, note that although Death is the Mistress of the Infinity Well, she is no hoarder. The Well works for every player (just like Cosmic Balance). She is, after all, about equality more than anything. Something that Thanos sort of understood when he looked in the Infinity Well. But he got the wrong kind of idea.

Schemes and Dreams prevents you from drawing cards during your Draw Phase, including your normal draws plus effects like Genius. However, if Thanos is face down at the start of your turn, Schemes and Dreams will be turned off. This means you can draw cards during your Draw Phase, however you won’t be able to search for a card.
What’s that? Thanos seems like he has another level(s)? Interesting, maybe we’ll see more about him next time! To Infinity, then past it!