Today’s preview is brought to you by co-founder of Super Awesome Games and co-designer of Vs. System® 2PCG®, Ben Cichoski.
Great Power Arc, Vol 1, Issue 8 – Sinister Syndicate
Hello friendly neighborhood Spider-Fans! For the last three weeks we have been taking a look at Spider-Man and his amazing friends. But what is a hero without an enemy…or six. It is our pleasure to introduce a brand new team: the Sinister Syndicate ()!
The Sinister Syndicate is a collaboration of the best (worst?) of Spidey’s enemies, who team up in an attempt to defeat the web-slinger because they can’t quite do it on their own. The group has had many members over the years, but at first there were six, and their leader had eight arms.
You may have noticed that Doc Ock has only 1 (he should really see a doctor!). But he also has a new keyword: Sinister Six. What does that mean? Well, it’s pretty sinister.
If you’re playing with the Sinister Six, you actually have six main characters instead of one. You choose six main characters with Sinister Six to make up your Sinister Six pile (listen, naming things isn’t their strong suit). And when everyone reveals their main characters, you reveal that pile instead. Then, when you would put your main character on your side, you may choose any of the six characters in that pile to start the game.
When your Sinister Six main character is KO’d, remove it from the game but you don’t lose the game – unless it was your sixth main character. If it wasn’t, at the start of your next turn, choose another main character in your Sinister Six pile and put it onto your side.
- A couple of notes: the Sinister Six power can’t be turned off, and if a newly arrived Sinister Six MC has the same name as a supporting character on your side, that SC will be KO’d.
There have been many different iterations of the Sinister Six over time, so which group is in the set? The original one, of course.
There is another character who is always trying to climb this villainous corporate ladder. He’s a slippery character, indeed:
- Note that Chameleon can get
as well and although he will copy Sinister Six, it’s only honorary for him (it doesn’t do anything on supporting characters). But he feels better about himself!
I hope you enjoyed this first peek into the world of the Sinister Syndicate. Come back next week, if you dare to uncover more mysterios!
Vs. System® 2PCG®: Sinister Syndicate smashes into stores this September.