To our loyal Vs. System® 2PCG® players:
Last fall, the Vs. System® 2PCG®: The Predator™ Battles set was released. Unfortunately, in that set, there are two cards that weren’t printed quite right. The underlined words below highlight the differences.
Mr. Black Main Character Level 2 – Enhanced Bio-Mask
Current text: Main: Mr. Black can attack hidden enemies and stunned characters.
Updated text: Main: Mr. Black can attack enemy hidden and stunned characters this turn.
Jungle Hunter Main Character Level 2 – The Demon Who Makes Trophies of Men
Current text: Main: Remove a character in an enemy KO pile from the game. If it has
, draw a card. If it has
, draw two cards.
Updated text: Main: Remove a character in an enemy KO pile from the game. If it has
, draw two cards. If it has
, draw three cards.
Note: The Jungle Hunter Main Character Level 1 The Demon Who Makes Trophies of Men power is correct. As is the same power on the Gen Con promo Jungle Hunter Main Character Level 2 (with the live-action picture of the Jungle Hunter).
To address these errors, we have printed corrected versions of these two cards. The form to request these free cards can be found HERE or by going to our Organized Play web page and clicking the link on the right side of the page.
You will need to:
- Print and fill out the form.
- Return the bottom right corner of page 34 from The Predator™ Battles rulebook as a proof of purchase with the completed form to the Upper Deck headquarters.
The Upper Deck Company
Vs System 2PCG Predator Redemption
5830 El Camino Real
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Please note that it could take a few weeks to receive your new cards.
We take the stewardship of this game very seriously. We hate that this happened and will strive to improve as we begin the new year. Thank you for playing the game and we hope you have as much fun playing it as we do making it.