On May 3, 2016 a massive forest fire devastated my hometown of 42 years; Fort McMurray. My family was safe in Ontario, but while I worked north of the fire, I lost my home and a part of my collection.

Flames could be seen from every angle. Smoke was thick and made it hard to breathe.
While this was happening, my friends at Breakaway Sports Cards and fellow breakers got together to send me a care package to help replace what I had lost. Collecting hockey cards really is one of the friendliest hobbies in the world.
I had heard about the Upper Deck Random Acts of Kindness program by seeing #UDRAK mail days on Twitter, but I never thought one of these packages would show up on my door. In late May of 2016 I received a #UDRAK package and I was totally humbled by the caring I received from Upper Deck.
To some people trading cards aren’t a matter of life or death, they are MUCH more important than that. For me though, after losing my home and seeing so many others affected by the fires in Fort McMurray, I realized that trading cards are a welcome distraction that can help take your mind off troubles and engage in a fun hobby with the whole family. As a result of all the compassion I received and special mail days that came my way from people I had never even met, I decided to start a mission to pay it forward to other collectors.
Once this started, a few friends and I started to expand sending surprise mail days to other good people with the direction to pay it forward. I personally delivered 13 sets of SP Authentic NHL® to be given to young collectors in Fort McMurray. As collectors score these surprise mail days, more and more collectors are getting involved. Our latest endeavor involved joining up to send packages to special needs children who definitely deserve a special treat like cards from their favorite players.
Through it all, kindness was shown to me and I have made an effort to repay it 100 times over. Won’t you join in? Let’s share the fun of the hobby with those who need it most! Join me, @Reno200211 on Twitter and follow the newly created hashtag #CollectItForward as we look to do good like Upper Deck has done with their #UDRAK program.
Guest Writer: Rene Lemoine
Rene has been actively collecting for 30 years with his main collection focused on vintage hockey card sets. His personal collection focus has always been the Edmonton Oilers. He is mainly on Twitter sharing the true love of collecting with others where he enjoys promoting and sharing surprise mail days with other collectors.
1 Comment
amen to you and god bless everyone of the town fort mcmurray i too lost my place and lifes worth of memories had 2 wayne gretzky rookies in absolute pristine shape oh the pain still to this day havent received any sort of help that town shut down places got full quick i now reside in vancouver the countries hollywood wow to make a dollar here takes spending 3bucks too get the one dollar ive yet to been able to get back into collecting everythings so expensive now how times have changed and so quickly too. well im glad to hear u and your family were all okay i wish you the best with your collection dont give up the dream dont give up the passion. forgive me for my bad spelling never made it through school had to work from grade 9 on take care of my parents. oh to collect again to be happy again a man can only dream now . enjoy ur lifes everyone dont take things for granted cause u dont know wat u got till its gone