The Vs System® 2PCG® Legacy set expands the way Super Power symbols are used in the game.
First let’s investigate Jessica Jones. Many of you may know that Jessica Jones was under the mind control of Purple Man for a long time. What you might not know is that after Jessica was finally free, Jean Grey gave her some psionic defenses in case Purple Man ever tried to control her again. In the Vs System® 2PCG® that gift works like this:
An Super Power is any Super Power that requires you to pay at least 1
regardless of any other costs. So Psionic Protection will stop both Purple Man’s Brainwash and Thanos’s Infinity Gauntlet.
Now let’s have a look at Crystal’s Keyword power. The Inhuman princess and resident Elementalist can control the four elements but has to work with the surrounding materials.
Without any basic locations, Crystal is a lowly 5/5 blank. But with all four types, she’s a 10/10 monster with flight and ranged. Having multiple symbol or
symbol locations won’t increase her bonus. Her power just cares if you have the location type or not.
We hope you’ve enjoyed today’s preview. Tune in next time as we show more of what the ladies of Legacy can do.
If you missed our other previews for Vs System® 2PCG®: Legacy, you can find them in the links below.
Cosmo Update and Thor Main Character
1 Comment
Crystal is the card I’m most excited about so far. The tension between using your resources and keeping her powers online is a really cool area of design space to explore.