It’s not every day a trading card comes through our doors valued more than most new automobiles, but that’s what happened today. Upper Deck purchased back from the hobby a 2005-06 NHL® The Cup Autograph Patch Rookie card of Sidney Crosby numbered 12/99. This card is well known as “The Holy Grail of all Sidney Crosby cards.”

This actual card can be found randomly seeded in a pack of 2015-16 NHL UD Buybacks, but who fist pulled it?
The card will be randomly inserted into 2015-16 NHL® UD Buybacks and is sure to provide a pulse-pounding shock to the system for the collector lucky enough to pull it.
It got us to talking today, every card has a story and a card like this has likely seen a variety of owners over the years. I shared with a co-worker that I believe this hobby is so tight knit we could likely trace back (with the help of our loyal fan base of course) the collector who first pulled this card.
So that is the challenge, can you help us find who has owned the card in the past and who first pulled it? We thought it would be fun to talk to them to get their thoughts on what this card has become over time. Help us find the original owner and you might just earn an Upper Deck Random Acts of Kindness Mail Day! Share any information you have in the comment section below and good luck to those opening 2015-16 NHL® UD Buybacks, maybe you’ll be the next collector to own this card!
I would like to see a database of rare cards, it would be interesting to see how many are left out there to find of some cards… Who has the 17 Kovalchuk Titanium Rookies? Are there any left in packs??? What has that card sold for over the years? All the SP Game used rookies numbered out of their Jersey Numbers, I have 5 of one player… Who has the others? Who has the last one and is it autographed? Questions I wonder about constantly…
It looks like it was for same on Amazon at some point:
D&A Sold it via Ebay to a seller in this auction
Maybe contact Dave and Adams Card World since they bought it at the Card Expo earlier this year:
At least that will give you a starting point
My boyfriend has this card!
Wasnt there a guy at the last expo that had 3 that you took a picture of? Maybe ask him. Lol
Off topic kinda but I bought 53/99 (2 cookout)off eBay about a month after the release and it remains in a safety deposit box today think I paid $4500usd for it at the time and with the exchange rate came to 5500cnd. I had the chance to buy 82/99 (1 colour ) off a guy for $3000usd but I passed it up cause I didn’t want a one color. He got it graded after it got 9.5 and believe he sold it for 15k shortly after that. The first one I seen sell on eBay was a 3 color with 4 breaks and it’s sold for around $2500usd.
It was I that pulled the card