It is a hockey card pack that is almost impossible to find because of the limited print run on the product. If you can find it, it doesn’t come cheap with packs selling for well over $300. When Upper Deck announced the “What Would You Do for a Pack of 2010-11 NHL The Cup” promotion last week, it is no wonder the company received over 150 propositions from fans looking to score a free pack of Upper Deck’s super-premium hockey release.
We were blown away by the responses and how much pain some fans were willing to endure to open this product like taking a slap shot from a NHL player without protection and even worse, listening to Justin Bieber albums for 12 straight hours. We just couldn’t stand to see our fans go through that much pain just to open a pack. The comments we got were all really great and creative, take a look.
When it was all said and done, we came down to five finalists who we contacted and who shared they were really serious about their proposition. Aaron Antonello was willing to keep the pack with him for an entire month and document it with pictures. Michael Hodges was on board to donate 25,000 cards to children’s charities in his area. Rob Anderson was actually up for visiting a tattoo parlor and getting the Upper Deck logo applied to his back. Tony Devlin wanted to open the pack in the small town of Inuvik near the Arctic Circle, sell the cards and purchase hockey equipment for the kids in the area up there. And William Mason was set to break out the clippers and shave his facial hair and head all for the chance to take home this special pack of hockey trading cards.
Ultimately, we left it up to our fans on the Upper Deck Facebook page as to who they felt should receive the pack for accomplishing a self-created challenge. Fans decided that the person most worthy to hoist “The Cup” was Michael Hodges. For his philanthropic gesture, Michael will receive a pack of the most sought after NHL trading card release of the year.
We contacted Michael with the news and he had this to say, “This promotion came at the perfect time for me. I have been hosting Group Breaks and have cards all around. I recently moved to Kansas City and wanted to find a way to give back to this great city. Where I live, I am surrounded by organizations that cater to children… When Upper Deck’s promotion popped up it was like it was meant to be.”

Upper Deck cards galore will soon be making their way to the hands of young collectors throughout Missouri courtesy of Michael Hodges. Stay tuned for more details on his giveaway!
Michael is in the process of getting these cards together to donate and upon completion, he will be gifted with a pack of the most exciting NHL trading card release of the year; The Cup. Congratulations Michael, and thanks for what you are doing to give back to deserving kids! We also want to thank all our fans who participated in this promotion. It was a lot of fun to read your comments and even more fun to find out many of you were serious about what you would be willing to do for a pack! Thank you all for your support!
1 Comment
Fantastic donation Mike.