One question people frequently ask me in this industry is, “What do you think trading cards are going to look like ten years from now?” It’s fun to speculate, but the truth is you just never know. If you would have asked me in 2001 if I thought there would be video trading cards by 2011, I would have probably laughed at you. But here we are today, where I am looking at the first-ever collection of video trading cards at our Upper Deck headquarters.

Here it is, the first-ever video trading card. These are the actual cards packing out right now in 2011 Upper Deck Football.
When I saw the final Upper Deck “EVOLUTION” cards this week I was blown away for a few reasons. First, it wasn’t like we just put some cardboard around a dvd player, this is a trading card first. Once you open up the booklet part of it, the card comes to life and I found myself lost in this new technology. While I loved the PowerDeck concept we came out with before, that was basically a compact disc; “EVOLUTION” is an actual trading card.
Next, I found it cool how the cards have a little port to recharge. The battery life on these is actually pretty long, but it is good to know there is a way to juice it up when it gets low. I also loved how the booklet portion closes. There are actually small magnets embedded in the cover to keep it closed so it doesn’t just lay hanging open.
I just loved watching the highlights of players like Tony Romo, Adrian Peterson, DeSean Jackson and Patrick Willis. We were able to get some really great footage and the quality is amazing.
But mostly it reminded me a lot of when I first started working for Upper Deck in 1997 when I saw the first game-used trading card. I marveled at those, just in awe of how groundbreaking they were. In that same innovative spirit, Upper Deck has done it again.
I am really excited for fans to see what I’m talking about as these start to get discovered on April 12 when 2011 Upper Deck Football hits shelves. It really is a card you have to see to believe and at Upper Deck, we are thrilled to be the company to bring you the first video trading card.
Wow, I’m actually impressed!
OK, what do I think cards will look like in 10 yrs? Will let’s see…..I can SEE them being Holograms coming up and OUT of your computer! Like you see on some shows on TV! You’ll have this little USB disc that you plug into your computer, and when you scan your card in, a picture of the card will come UP and OUT of your computer, then when you click on the play button you’ll see,say a running back, doing his thing! Actually RUNNING in a game like LIVE right in front of you! A QB will throw the ball and it will come straight at you! AND AND! When someone scores a TD you can hit “DANCE” and they’ll do a TD Dance! lol 🙂 How’s THAT for an Idea!
Dave in Mass!
These are awesome, upon first glance they immediately register as being a trading card rather than a high tech device.