Upper Deck’s Third Annual National Hockey Card Day took place on Saturday, February 12, 2011 and thousands of passionate hockey fans throughout Canada braved the cold to visit their local hobby shop or retailer in search of free NHL packs. The event was without a doubt a smashing success thanks to the efforts of Upper Deck’s distributors, retailers and hobby partners who worked so hard to make the event a memorable one for their customers.
Over the weekend we saw a variety of great images coming in from the fun on Upper Deck’s National Hockey Card Day Facebook page. In order to judge how well the event went over for those who could take part, one only need look at the smiling faces. Enjoy this small gallery highlighting some of the fun of the 2011 National Hockey Card Day.

One collector actually baked a cake to celebrate the third birthday of National Hockey Card Day, looks good!

This young lady wouldn't let a little thing like the flu get in the way of her free packs, she made it out for NHCD and picked up a few cards

There's an old saying, "Families that collect together, stay together." Alright, maybe it's not really a saying, but we like the sound of it.

And at the end of the day, when all the packs have been opened, we're all left with the same feeling, "Are there any more free cards?" Well, not until next year. See you all again then!
There are a variety of great prizes that are still available to fans who post images from the weekend on our National Hockey Card Dave Facebook page so feel free to keep sharing. Thanks again to everyone who took part in the event!
1 Comment
id love the sample but we dont have a retailer that i know of in victora bc can you help me ?