Based on Upper Deck’s unique relationship with Marvel, the trading card giant was able to secure some extremely cool (and ultra limited) movie props directly from the set of THOR, which has its theatrical release date scheduled for May 6, 2011. As you might suspect, Upper Deck has an exclusive, 100-card set of THOR trading cards in the works that is slated to launch on March 15, well in advance of the movie. By the way, Upper Deck has also secured a pair of movie-worn pants from actress Natalie Portman as well as movie-worn shirts and a cape from leading man Chris Hemsworth, pieces of which will be utilized on movie-worn memorabilia cards.
In the meantime, check out some of the unique THOR movie set collectibles below: his stunt hammer and a pair of Loki knives. Now the question is: How should Upper Deck utilize these sought-after gems? Should we cut them up and put them on movie-used memorabilia cards inserted within the set, or should we use them as exchange cards where some very lucky collectors might wind up walking away with either THOR’s stunt hammer in its entirety or a set of these stunt Loki knives?
Feel free to give us your opinion. It might just work out to your advantage.

MAKING AN IMPRESSION: This is an actual THOR stunt hammer that actor Chris Hemsworth held during the filming of THOR.

THE ARSENAL: These THOR movie props, including the pair of Loki knives, look like they could do some serious damage, huh?
Use the hammer as an exchange. Would be cooler to have the whole thing rather than pieces of it
I think that the prop pieces should be done in levels, with the leather handle a tier 1, Leather handle two color a tier 2, head pieces of the hammer tier 3 and knives a tier 4. Crash numbered would be nice too.
You should definitely keep the pieces intact. It would be a shame to alter them in order to fit them onto trading cards. It’d be cool if you could put the knives into an over-sized card and have a redemption card in place of the hammer. ^^
I think you should for sure cut them up and place them in the trading cards. I have never looked forward to a movie more than I am looking forward to Thor. And if they were in cards, I would save my pennies as long as I needed to in order to get those cards. However if they are by redemption, only one person gets it and once they get it, it’s all over. Also if it were to find itself on ebay it would go for thousands of dollars which is thousands outside my price range. Long story short (too late I know), I would much rather have a chance to own a piece of the memorabilia, than little to zero chance of pulling a 1/1 redemption out of one of my cases.
The stunt hammer should be turned into relic cards because it looks like a lot of relic cards could be made out of it. There would be a lot of happy fans who open a pack to discover that relic card.
I’m not sure about the knives about what would be the best course of action for them.
Gotta cut the hammer. Depending on what the hammer is made of it would be really cool if the cards were all redemption cards and the slices of the relic were embedded, so the relic is viewable on both sides of the card. The hammer head slices would be even better, if the head is solid, if the slices were card sized slices with imprinted numbers and stamp of authenticity.
The knives should be given away as a 1 of 2 redemption, as they would be so much cooler in the whole.
I look forward to seeing the pictures of the cards.
I say piece it out. I’d rather have a nice card containing some of it than nothing at all. Of course having the entire hammer would be the ultimate, but chances are that won’t happen. Besides, I’d bet there was more than one prop hammer made and used.
Yep, cut it up and let more than one have it.
No, don’t cut it up. I would never buy a prop like this cut up–cutting it up does it an injustice and is a travesty to piece out a major prop like this. Sell it whole to someone so that it can be enjoyed as the piece it is and was meant to be: intact.
The hammer and knives should absolutely NOT be cut into pieces. They’re items of film history and whilst cutting them up will give multiple people a chance to own a piece of the film, the process of doing so destroys the item and any intrinsic value. Once cut it can never be out back together again!
It’s like cutting up an important and rare autograph into many pieces. Doing so allows more people to own it, which is all well and good, but in reality it doesn’t make sense and completely ruins the item. Just imagine, there could be markings on this hammer that were caused by use in a particular scene, making it unique and possible to positively identify on screen – what a shame if it was irreversibly damaged.
If you’ve GOT to cut something up can’t you obtain something of a lot ‘lesser’ importance (such as pieces of the set), so that people have the chance to own a bit of the film whilst one or two lucky people get to walk off with a major item?
I think you should keep the hammer intact. While cards with swatches are okay it’s always done and kind of over done at this point. You would get much more press for your cards and company by giving away the hammer as it is than to cut it and stick them to cards. In the long run I think you would like the outcome and whoever is lucky to win the hammer would appreciate it more than a card.
Please do not destroy this artifact — would you slash an original oil painting to have more shreds than the original piece? No! This is a potentially important piece of movie history and snapping it into pieces destroys not only its value but any future historical relevance.
Why destroy something that would be so valuable to the prop collecting community? Of course it would be better to give all of these items away intact as opposed to destroying them for a few insert cards that will ultimately be worth nothing in comparison to the complete pieces.
You have to ask yourself… Would you rather own a single, useless, piece of the hammer or know that the hammer remain intact, in the private collection of someone who truly appreciates it?
Cutting up these iconic props is the most disgusting thing I have ever heard of… you should be ashamed to even propose it. Let the PEOPLE BUY THE PROPS.
If you can’t act responsibly, then don’t act at all. Give them to a reputable auction house to sell to the collectors and fans who respect and love THOR!
Since those are “stunt” props, they’re just going to be made of painted rubber or foam. Cutting them up is going to yield a handful of painted pieces and a boatload of unfinished garbage. You’d be ruining fantastic complete props for the sake of making a small number of collector cards. Keep ’em whole.
Such a shame hearing people wishing to destroy movie history just to get a “piece”. Definitely should not be cut up, and you could make just as much money on it as one piece as you would in the cards they would be put in. Being a collector myself seeing movie memorabilia destroyed is truly disheartening. It would be like cutting up some infamous piece of art just so everyone could own some of it…hard to justify to me.
“Now the question is: How should Upper Deck utilize these sought-after gems? Should we cut them up and put them on movie-used memorabilia cards inserted within the set, or should we use them as exchange cards where some very lucky collectors might wind up walking away with either THOR’s stunt hammer in its entirety or a set of these stunt Loki knives?
Feel free to give us your opinion. It might just work out to your advantage.”
Thank you for asking for our opinions.
Here are mine.
As these are “sought after gems”, which I believe are also original artistic creations from a film, they should be kept that way, and not destroyed.
I like your idea “where some very lucky collectors might wind up walking away with either THOR’s stunt hammer in its entirety or a set of these stunt Loki knives”.
Your unique relationships with companies, including Marvel, would be further enhanced by keeping any creations you receive from them in their original form.
Thanks again.
A “piece” of such a rare artifact is not worth anything in the opinion of this collector. PLEASE keep the item “intact”, and simply let this go to one lucky winner. This is a rare piece of movie history. Cutting it up into pieces is not the way to treasure it.
Please don’t cut up this beautiful piece. I think the hammer and loki stunt gloves should we given away like the mcdonalds monopoly game…Have rare exclusive cards in the decks…People would need to try and find all the matching cards to win the grand prize…..Kinda like completely a boardwalk…..
This movie might make hollwood history…would be ashamed to see a stunt hammer and gloves be cut into pieces…
I mean loki knives not gloves 🙁
Its lunacy to take a screen-used production-made prop and “cut it up” to put into 1000 cards. Keep it intact and let lucky fans win, or hold an internet contest for selected winners to enter. You’ll get far more publicity and visibility if you give away the hammer, rather than scraps of the hammer.
Should be kept in one piece would be a disgrace to destroy a piece of history
Please do NOT destroy these movie props. Costumes, jerseys and such are one thing but hand made props, whether they are stunt pieces or not, are more unique. Certainly a die hard Marvel fan would love the chance to own Thor’s hammer, in it’s entirety.
Funny how so many posts are deleted from reputable collectors who want the pieces left whole – too bad freedom of speech is not practiced here.
If you DO cut it up, can you offer up dimensions of this hammer? So we know how big it truly is/was?
PLEASE do not cut it up. You are destroying movie history!
Cutting up props and costumes to put them on cards is insane. If it must be done, why not use only those costumes that are heavily damaged? Seems sinful to destroy this hammer!
Why are pro-save the prop comments not being shown? Not fair… save the props!
I feel that the hammer and swords should be left intact and used as exchange cards. It would be much cooler to have the whole sword than just a piece of it. Either way totally neat, Upper Deck!
I would prefer that you didn’t cut these up.
SERIOUSLY?? You couldn’t even LIFT the hammer , let alone cut it up, unless you are Thor anyways. Blasphemers!
Put entry cards in each pack, where people can fill it out and mail it in with $1.00 to charity to be entered into a drawing to win the whole hammer or something. More packs you buy the more entries you can have.
PLEASE don’t cut up Mjolnir (Thor’s hammer) and Loki’s knives. I would buy a BOAT-LOAD of cards to have the chance at winning either intact, but would have NO interest whatsoever if they were cut up.
I can’t believe that so many want to keep it in tact! Upper Deck makes trading cards and this prop was given by Marvel to Upper Deck so they can make them into a trading card thus giving fans that don’t have thousands of dollars to buy the whole thing, a chance to own a piece of it. You guys act like this is the only Thor prop hammer in existence and we are destroying the holy freaking grail. There are other hammers out there that will be enjoyed as a piece of cinema history. So allow this one to be cut up so that us little people can have a chance to have a piece of cinema history in their collections.
I agree Cameron. This is just one of several “stunt” props. The “hero” prop is the one that you definitely wouldn’t want to destroy. But they probably had plenty of the stunt prop hammers.
I want a really nice looking, fairly rare card with a piece of the hammer.
They had better hurry though, the cards are to come out in early March!
Just because you can’t afford a Ferrari doesn’t mean one should be cut up and handed out in pieces since there are others. Save up and get something meaningful instead of an unrecognizable piece. I can’t believe this is even thought about as an option. How could someone get the slightest bit of enjoyment of owning a speck of rubber or wood glued to a little card?
While we are at it, there are several pairs of Dorothy’s ruby slippers, they are only worth about $2 million each pair, but since there are several, lets cut a pair up. Makes a lot of sense.
If I can’t have the complete real thing, I would rather see someone else have it so that it is taken care of for future generations.
But this is a STUNT hammer. I doubt this is THE hammer that Hemsworth yields. To treat a prop, that a stunt man probably used, like its historical and needs to be preserved just seems bizarre. And like I said before, Upper Deck makes trading cards and Marvel provided this prop for that purpose. There are countless costume and prop cards out there that are very cool and give collectors a chance to own a piece of the movie. Oh and since Save Me mentioned it, there are even Wizard of Oz trading cards that do have pieces of the costumes and props from the film. I know I am rambling but my point is, this is not THE hammer, it is a stunt hammer and so by all means let’s give us a chance to own a piece of it.
Another poster makes a good point. The hammer is a big piece of resin or foam (I assume), so the majority of it is lump of relatively uninteresting material, with an interesting outer layer (think of a sponge cake covered in icing). The ‘icing’ is the only part that’s interesting. To offer pieces of this on a card it would have to be sliced so thin that nothing would be recognisable and you’d simply be getting a few paint flakes or possibly just a slice of random resin. There really is no point.
You also state that you’ve got pants, a shirt and cape, so if you have to cut something up, I guess they’re the best things to destroy so that lots of people can own something.
The best solution is to cut the costumes, allowing many people to own a piece of the film, and keep the props as one off pieces that are given away in a lottery (issue 100 cards, each giving you a chance to win) or taken by one lucky card.
Pleas do not cut up these pieces. Prop cards are very boring IMO and seeing a slice would not mean anything to me at all. You really don’t have a piece of the moive you have a slice of cloth, metal or whatever that looks nothing like the original prop.
It would be a shame to see these items cut up and a redemption would certainly be the best way to go. If you want to add something to the product autographs are always great and I know lots of people that would love a portman autograph card and that would certainly keep interest in the product.
So when do we know which way it’s gonna be???
Either way, I’m ready for the cards!
Are these going to be used in any cards in the future?